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Post-Communitarian Apostolic Experience of the Novices

Texto español

The Communitarian Apostolic Experience of the five Novices in the Communities-Taller in Cebu, Iloilo and Silay  enriched their knowledge about the life and mission of the Congregation in their following of Jesus in Nazareth.

Vy, in C-T Iloilo, immersed herself in the rhythm of the C-T: the communitarian prayers, meetings, weekly involvement to the women correctional institute, the daily work especially in the dormitory apostolate where each member of the C-T has felt the very urgent call for the evangelization of the young women by giving them formation sessions, teaching them how to pray, helping them to value manual work, with the Holy Family in Nazareth as their model. The simplicity and the joyful witnessing of each member in the C-T motivated her to get really involved in the home visits to the families of the residents and in relating to them with much love and concern.

Thien and Kim Thi joined the sisters of C-T Silay in the living out of the life and mission of the Congregation through the school and taller apostolates. They joyfully involved themselves promoting the value and dignity of work as they assist in the canteen, in the pre-school and in other activities of the school. Their experience of work  in garment making and food production in the Taller deepened their call to be one among the many workers who strive to  live and work with dignity.  

In C-T Cebu,Rochelle and Bich Huyen involved themselves as workers in the Taller Apostolate where  they experienced the realization and continuation of Bonifacia’s legacy of promoting the poor women workers through the harmony of prayer and work. They also value their participation in the weekly organizational meetings of the C-T where they practise the OMG elements particularly discernment and decision-making through consensus,  enhancing their sense of belonging to the community. 

Towards  the end of the Communitarian Apostolic Experience (CAE) of the Novices, each Community-Taller with the presence of Marcie, made an evaluation of its accompaniment of the Novice/s towards the achievement of the objective of the CAE while the Novice herself made her own reading in faith of her experience. The evaluation of Vy  happened in C-T Iloilo on July 24, Thien and Kim Thi in C-T Silay on July 26, Rochelle and Bich Huyen in C-T Cebu on July 29.

Each one expressed her gratitude and significant learnings in  living out the life and mission of the Congregation, as well as the challenges in the following of Jesus in Nazareth in the context of the different places  where the Siervas de San Jose is present.
Each of the Communities-Taller offered a Thanksgiving Mass for the fruitful experiences of the novice/s in the Communities  and in the Apostolate where the novices fostered their relationship with Jesus the Worker in Nazareth and witnessed the relevance of the Charism of the Congregation in responding to the social issues of today, particularly to women.   

On July 31, Marcie, who was present during the evaluation, and the Novices returned from Visayas to C-T Mandaluyong where the sisters and the Co-Workers happily and warmly welcomed them.  With  grateful hearts for all the blessings that God had given to each one, the C-T together with the TdNM co-workers celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass presided by Fr. Rolly Martinez.

On August 4, the novices had a day of Recollection wherein they reflected on and prayed over the passage of God during their Communitarian Apostolic Experience. They shared with the community the fruits of their reflection where the common experience was the love of God that strengthens their vocation. At the end of each one’s sharing, they offered back their symbols that capture their lived experiences.

With hearts filled with gratitude, they thanked all the sisters of the whole congregation for their prayers and support during their communitarian apostolic experience.


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