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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2019

Loved, Transformed and Sent to be all for all

Cecilia Kennedy, ssj with her paretns and Sir John Cardinal Ribat  The journey of a village girl to a consecrated working woman...   This is how we experienced the First Profession of Cecilia Kennedy with whom we are truly grateful to witness the blossoming of this gift of vocation as Servant of St. Joseph. Any journey in life leads us on a path with different aspects, rocky roads, calm or rough seas and most of all the opportunity to enter into a relationship with oneself, others, all of creation and with God . For Cecilia, her loving relationship began as a young girl in the village of Sawaedi (Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea) who was born into the family of Nathaniel and Paula. It is where she began her relationship with God as her parents nurtured her to grow in faith, trusting in God at all times especially during difficult moments.     As Cecilia grew into a young woman, she became involved in the youth ministry in her parish as one of their leaders and worked

a dream come true . . .

Ived saying goodbye to M. Filomena, the oldest sister in Holy Family Provinc e Past thirty seven years ago, Sr. Ived del Valle was asked to what country would she like to go for her mission. Her answer was “Africa and/or the Philippines in Asia – Pacific.”For her, arrival in the Philippines on August 14, 2019 to prepare herself to her mission assignment in Papua New Guinea, is truly a dream come true.   Ived on the day of her arrival in PNG Ived with Sisters in PNG who welcomed her The SSJ presence in Asia – Pacific began in 1932 in the Philippines and eventually became the Holy Family Province in 1981. In 1987, the SSJ started their presence in Papua New Guinea and in 2003 in South Vietnam.   In the evening of November 19, 2019, she was scheduled to fly to PNG. The joy of having her dream become a reality was made manifest in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist held at the Sagrada Familia Chapel at 10:30 in the morning as an offering for her PNG mission.  


The whole STA family  (SSJ Sisters, Faculty and Staff and students) joined together and celebrated the World’s Ecology Day last November 15, 2019. It was a very opportune time for them to express and show their care for creation and to make others become aware of their urgent responsibility to do the same. The highlights of the whole day celebration are the following: ·        The Echo walk participated by the students and teachers, carrying different banners in order to make the people aware of an urgent call to care for creation. As they went around the specified areas around STA, they picked up the trash along the road. ·        Talk on Climate Change ·        Ritual on the four elements: soil, water, air and fire performed by the students ·        Activity on Commitment to care for Mo. Earth. Each one painted her/his right hand and imprinted it on the spaces provided. The day ended with everybody happy and sati

Encuentro Laic@s Josefin@s Madrid (España)

Mi historia cobra sentido dentro de esta historia.  El pasado fin de semana 9 y 10 de noviembre hemos celebrado en Madrid el segundo encuentro de laicos josefinos. El sábado iniciamos la jornada con una bella y creativa oración en Zona WiFe preparada por la comisión. Apertura al espíritu con fidelidad creativa.  Entendiendo el itinerario laico josefino como el proceso fundamental a través del cual una persona puede acercarse a conocer, experimentar, vivir, profundizar y comprometerse con el carisma, de la mano de Antonio Botana, hermano de la Salle, hemos ido descubriendo las líneas básicas del proceso de formación en el carisma: la formación para una identidad, la comunión y creación de comunidades y la animación compartida de la misión.  Tras una reflexión en equipo y la posterior puesta en común, pasamos a analizar los dos ejes que sostienen el proceso formativo: el eje afectivo y el eje narrativo. Los sentimientos de pertenencia, corresponsabilidad

El equipo de trabajo de la lavanderia Alavar en Salamanca y Zamora (España)

Los días 12 Y 13 de octubre de 2019 hemos estado en Salamanca y Zamora 3 Siervas de san José de la comunidad del Paseo de los Olivos y 7 laicas/os de la lavandería Alavar en Madrid.  La finalidad del viaje era que el equipo de trabajo de la lavandería conociera la vida de Bonifacia para que comprendiera porqué hacemos lo que hacemos, qué pintamos las Siervas de San José con una empresa, que doten de sentido el trabajo en la lavandería y comprendan mejor algunos de los valores con los que trabajamos en Alavar como el silencio, el protagonismo de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras de inserción, el trabajo bien hecho, la exigencia mezclada con la compasión, la cercanía y la autoridad... A la vez, es una forma de empoderar al equipo porque se sienten importantes, tenidos en cuenta, atendidos de forma especial, con protagonismo y desde unas relaciones de igual a igual.  Al mismo tiempo se trataba de que fuera un espacio cultural (conocer las ciudades de Salamanca y Zamo