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Catechetical and Tutorial Program of the Holy Family School is truly a God-filled experience for me. God has been so much alive in the lives, dreams, aspirations and struggles of the children and their families in Bgy. Botocan. When I accepted this responsibility I never thought of the challenges that would come my way. I only carried with me the dream of the Holy Family to reach out to the disadvantaged children of Botocan who are studying in the public school of a nearby area. Along the way I am amazed of the blessings and the challenges I encountered. I will never forget the enthusiasm and generosity of Holy Family School volunteer-students and the support of Faculty and Staff when I needed them to facilitate the Saturdays’ activities and tutorials. Truly recommendable! There were times that I was so worried   because there were only few volunteers who would turn up during the tutorial but still they were able to manage to continue and they became more creative in presenting the lessons intended for the day. There were times that for 30 CATPRO KIDs only five student-volunteers would be present. Nevertheless, they turned out to be more energetic and creative in their presentations.

Every time we arrived in the place the children would be waiting for us like sheep without a shepherd. When they see their teachers we could see the joy and glow in their eyes and then they would start moving to meet and be with their favorite teachers, each of them trying to get the attention their “Ate”. This scene would always remind me of the Bible verse “I am the good shepherd… my sheep knows me and I know my Sheep”. It is very touching on my part to realize that I was given the responsibility and privilege to accompany them both- the kids and the volunteers.

The kids and the volunteers were able to establish with each other a very good relationship of love, patience, and understanding. The kids learned a lot from the volunteers and really enjoyed their time with the latter. The student-volunteers in turn developed their leadership and social responsibility. They felt they were the kids’ big sisters.

When the recognition day came I felt so proud of the self- giving, active participation, collaboration and generosity of the student-volunteers. They were able to mobilize and train the kids who were the main performers during the said event. The parents of the kids were equally participative. The SSJs, Holy Family teachers and staff were also present to grace the occasion and show their support and appreciation for the work done for the kids. Indeed, nothing is impossible if we work hand in hand as one family for the common good towards one vision- GODS GREATER HONOR AND GLORY! LONG LIVE THE FAMILIANS!

Milagros Maravilla, SSJ
Provincial Coordinator (Provincia de Sagrada Familia)

Genelyn Caminian, SSJ
(Junior of Provincia de Sagrada Familia)


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