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October 23, 2014 has been a very significant and meaningful day for all the Siervas de San Jose in the Luzon Cluster, Philippines. Imagine! A three in one celebration: Bonifacia’s 3rd birthday in the church, Evangeline (Sr. Vangie) Pedregosa’s 3rd birthday in the congregation as a Sierva de San Jose, and Elvira Javerto’s 79th birthday into the world. There was, indeed, much rejoicing and camaraderie among the sisters present and their visitors who came to grace the occasion.

The highlight of the celebration was the Eucharistic celebration where everybody experienced unity and communion with God the giver of every wonderful blessing and with all the Siervas de San Jose the world over. The homily of the priest who is a Claretian, focused on Work which as he shared, is a true expression of oneself. According to him, there are three elements of work that need to be present in the person so that he/she maybe sanctified by it: intentionality, passion and action. He added that one’s work becomes meaningful only when it touches the being of the person receiving it.

During the mass, Evangeline renewed her vows for another two years. We felt the solemnity of the moment as she pronounced the formula for the renewal of vows. The joy she felt could be seen from her face especially as she sang solo the verses of the Responsorial Psalm- Psalm 8. The sisters and the residents sang with their whole heart, too, during the mass. The mass was also offered for the birthday celebrant- Elvira Javerto. At her age, 79 years, she seems to be still very young at heart. Truly, we cannot thank God enough for all the graces we have received from His manifold goodness.

A meal was shared after the mass. It was also a blessing that eight new young teachers of Holy Family School were invited and they came to witness the occasion. We hope that some of them will be attracted to follow Jesus the worker and become future Siervas de San Jose.

At the end of the celebration, we strongly felt the ever loving and kind presence of our Mother Bonifacia who is always with us her children. We know that she continues to intercede for our needs and intentions, for our fidelity and for more committed vocations to our congregation.


“You did not choose me; it is I who chose you… to bear much fruit…” (John 15:16)

Thank you so much, Lord for the gift of my vocation, for your trust in me inspite of my limitations. It is your love that continues to sustain my life as a Sierva de San Jose and as I do the work you have entrusted to me. How great is your love for me, oh Lord! Keep me always faithful to you, now and for the rest of my life. Amen.


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