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YOUTH TALENT SHOW gathered a big crowd of more than four hundred people at the Church grounds on the 17th of October from 6:10 to 9:40 p.m. This was organized by the Diocese Catholic Office with the full support and collaboration of Cathedral of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish parents and the parish youth group under the leadership of Victor Raymond.

There was so much joy and oneness in celebrating God’s gifts to us of our talents. There were 18 groups that presented with two items each. Children, youth and adults came in with their presentations such as singing, dancing and drama.

Other groups like the Women Religious of Alotau, Neo-catechumenal Community, Mothers (Moms) and Fathers (Dads) added color to the show with their items. Likewise, a number of priests were there to witness the display of talents. Indeed, this turned out to be a family and community gathering.

Santa Maria Parish youth group came all the way from their communities to join the show and presented two dramas. Raffle draw of instant prizes like toys, school supplies, cloth material, grocery items among many more was done to the delight of the ticket holders.

Sr. Yolanda, SSJ at the end of the program presented an appreciation card to the performers and to the master builders of the stage. She also acknowledged all the many others who were giving their time and service in support of the Youth Talent Show.

This became the talk of the town where people expressed their joy and gratitude for the event that brought together many people in Alotau---- even if it were at night! 


  1. C-T Murphy (Juniorado)8 de noviembre de 2014, 9:40

    Thank you so much for sharing with us the wonderful activity you had with the youth there in your diocese. We are so happy that you are bringing out the best in them. Thanks so much for your untiring and selfless dedication to the youth.Remember that we always accompany you with prayers. Congratulations for the WORK BEST DONE! God bless!

  2. kadatoki siule lakaina,kadatokisi,ateu uowa,tenk yu tru.yumi olgeta hamamas long lukin olgeta wok long yu wantaim ol youth. We are happy for the update -- the dances and other presentations that involved many participants of different ages are beautiful and inspiring. The team working of lay and religious displays an ALIVE Church as we are called to renew. We are Church, YES, the body of Christ, alive in Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life!!! Continue the zeal and enthusiasm. We look forward for the coming youth convention!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS for making the Spirit of NAZARETH alive in our Mission Area there in Alutao! We are glad for your UPDATES in your encounter with the youth! Praying and hoping that there will be more PNG vocation for the Siervas de San Jose! Thank you for your self-giving and dedication to the Mission! We accompany you with our prayers!

  4. Good blog.... keep-up the good work....May I share an article about the Singing Dong Tribe in
    Watch the video in youtube


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