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The thirty-two (32) co-workers in our Talleres de Nazareth- Cebu are composed of one male and the rest are young women with ages ranging from 18 to 48 years. Twenty-seven (27) are regular in employment status and the other five are trainees. Some are single and others are married. Among the single ones there are those who are single parents while others are already providers for their families. On the other hand, among the married ones a number of them have two to four children while some are breadwinners of their own families with jobless and/or temporarily employed husbands. These women workers belong to the poor sector and come from the province of Cebu, and a few of them from neighboring provinces of Bohol, Leyte, Samar, Iloilo and Negros Occidental who have found their jobs at the Talleres de Nazareth- Cebu.

Being partners and collaborators in the ministry, our TDN-Cebu co-workers have been equipped with the necessary skills in the work they do. These are the liturgical vestments and other accessories for use in the church by the clergy, seminaries, religious congregations, Catholic schools and universities. When these workers started in the Taller, most of them were unskilled except for a few. They are referrals by people familiar to us. Preferred for hiring and training are those coming from the poor sector and are likely in danger of being exploited and marginalized. 

The TDN of Cebu has been in existence for the last 14 years. The older workers act as mentors to the new arrivals. Each one mentors the other who can be the next liner in each department. This is one way of empowering our workers.

Formation is another component of empowering the workers. Sessions are given along the lines of spirituality and charism of the SSJ congregation. These come in different forms and means. There is a weekly Adoration prayer before and after work with individual 15-minute adoration schedule. Monthly mass is held in honor of St. Joseph. Sharing on the Sunday Word of God, song preparation and practice for the Eucharistic are scheduled.

Daily Morning Prayer from Monday to Saturday together with the sisters is led by the Worship Committee. The other departments alternately lead the prayers daily. Everyone takes turns to lead the prayers. Holy Rosary prayer is offered for special intentions. Triduums, novenas are prepared by them for the feasts of St. Joseph, St. Bonifacia and Fr. Francisco Butinya, SJ. Recollections for Advent and during the Lenten season are provided for. Some of these take place in the parish or in other venues. During breaks, dance exercises or prayer exercise (Shibashi) are scheduled.

Special Formation programs with invited Resource persons in their respective expertise like in ARTS (color combination and painting, and the Five S Principles and Marketing Strategies) were also provided.

In Vocation promotion, the Talleres workers are partners especially the single ones who are sometimes invited to help facilitate in Youth Activities in Vocation Jamboree. They distribute our vocation materials and put up vocation exhibit booths. They join Vocation Jamborees and the most recent of which was held at the Rogationist Seminary College- Cebu Inc. and USJR Campus last February, 2015.


  1. Juniorate Community Philippines19 de mayo de 2015, 14:14

    Thank you for your article we are apdated in what you doing there. More power to all the TDN- workers you are indeed a gift to the working world in that region.May you continue to recreate the Spirit of Nazareth and the task bequited to us by our Founders.

  2. Nice one ... thank you for sharing your experiences in Cebu. It is a joy to read and to have a feel of how the Taller has grown and how it has continuously been reaching out to more women and youth at risk in the region. May the zeal of our founders continue to fan the fire within in proclaiming the Good News of Work in the world of work.


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