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Joy, Giang, Thanh Mai

Dear Sisters,
We, the newly initiated novices of the Holy Family Province, would like to share with you our joy through this simple communication of the celebration of the feast day of our MOTHER, BONIFACIA  in Luzon, Philippines last June 6, 2015. 

We really looked forward for the 6th of June to come because the rite of our initiation to the noviceship would happen during the Eucharistic Celebration on this day.

We dedicated a day of silent prayer to prepare us spiritually for our initiation. God filled our hearts with his love and assurance of his call for each of us.

Finally, during the mass of June 6 we pronounce our simple commitment to Jesus the Worker in Nazareth and concluded it by singing a “Joyful Song of Praise to our God”.

Rite of Initiation to the Noviceship after Communion
Pronouncement of Simple Commitment

Sr. Milagros Maravilla, SSJ
 (assisted by Sr. Jennifer Uy, SSJ) 
giving to the new NOVICES 
the Constitutions and the Medals 

The New Novices singing their Song of Joy

We felt the love and support of the sisters. We felt we truly belong to the SSJ family. We felt a very deep and ardent desire to love and serve the Lord having Mo. Bonifacia and Fr. Francisco as our example and guide. We felt that Bonifacia was truly close to us…and all of you our beloved Siervas de San Jose near and far. Thank you so much!

With all our love,

Joy, Giang and Thanh Mai


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