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Sr. Alma Miranda, SSJ

Few years ago, Holy Family Home community decided to schedule the morning of June 5 as the orientation of new residents so that there would be an opportunity for them to get to know St. Bonifacia in the afternoon and join the Evening Prayer 1 proper of her feast.  June 6 would then be reserved for the main event: celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the afternoon to be followed by a free dinner.   To make the feast a memorable experience, the old residents would prepare an interactive    program in the evening as a form of welcome and sharing of talents   of the incoming residents.

This year, the June 6 event became a red-letter day for the community most especially to Sr. Alma Miranda who joyfully celebrated the 25th anniversary of her religious profession at the chapel of Holy Family Home here in Iloilo City.

The occasion was made more meaningful and unforgettable with the arrival of her parents who are already advanced in age together with her two sisters travelling all the way from Luzon to Visayas just in time to witness this momentous event. 
Mother, Father and Sister of Sr. Alma

Fr. Domingo Alimajen, the Principal and Dean of St. Vincent Seminary who presided over the thanksgiving mass, gave a very inspiring homily about the life and mission of the Siervas de San Jose. He began by saying that by its fruits, the tree is known.  In his collaboration with them in the prison ministry and sheltering of young women, he shared the three qualities of the SSJ sisters that made him admire and appreciates the charism of the Congregation as embodied by their foundress St. Bonifacia. He was touched by the hidden nature of our apostolic presences in service to the poor, adopting a simple lifestyle, and promoting the love for prayer and work.
Priest Presider Fr. Domingo Alimajen
After the holy mass, everybody gathered at the Mother Bonifacia Multipurpose Hall for the dinner and program. In its entirety, the celebration of this significant feast was marked by simplicity and familial bonding in the Nazareth spirit of love and joy.

Sr. Alma with her parents and two sisters
Sr. Alma with her parents, Fr. Domingo and a friend
Sr. Alma with her parents and 2 SSJ sisters


  1. C-T Murphy (Juniorate)3 de julio de 2015, 3:47

    We are so happy for you now that you have reached the 25th year of your life as a Sierva de San Jose. Congratulations! Always remember that we are always one with you… especially in our NAZARETH JOURNEY… WE LOVE YOU!

    Eppie, Marcie, Edith, Gene, Vangie, Maria, Reggie and Teresa

  2. The 25th Jubilee celebration of your Consecrated Life / Worker - Religious of the Siervas de San Jose is a milestone to be grateful for , for YOU and ALL of us- SSJs as we witness the LIFE / MISSION we have lived and shared to our collaborators. the Church , women workers, and with the poor. One with you in joy and gratitude to the LORD- JESUS , the Pray-er/Worker in Nazareth! ENHORABUENA!

    Mga KAPATID TAGA - CEBU (Estela, Felma, Cathy and Kim Thi)

  3. Nos unimos a tu acción de gracias al Señor porque te llamó a seguirle en nuestra Congregación, haciendo vida el Carisma que nos regaló a través de Bonifacia y Butiñá. ¡¡¡FELICIDADES!!! por tus 50 años de Consagración a Dios.
    Tus hermanas de La comunidad de León- Avda. Real (España)


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