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Sr. Anita with Sr. Monica

Anita left her beloved country, Philippines with her YES to God’s invitation to “go and proclaim the good news of work to God’s people- the Papua New Guineans.”

She went with open heart and hands aware that she has “to take off her shoes for the land that she is approaching is holy.” Likewise, she did not forget that “God was already there before her arrival.”

She arrived in the Archdiocese of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea in the year 1990. Since then, she had the privilege to serve the people in the following ministries with intervals of being recalled to the Philippines:

1990 - 1992
Sister-in-Charge of Loreto Hostel
Pastoral Ministry with Women
Directress of Family Life Services

Pastoral Ministry with Women
Archdiocese Settlements Apostolate

March 22, 2009 - 2011
Accompaniment of School Staff and Students of St. Peter’s School

May 8, 2009 – December 5, 2011
Skills Trainer in Basic Cooking/Sewing
Talleres de Nazaret Training Center

December 10, 2011 - 2014
Archdiocese Social Apostolate Skills (ASAC) Training Center Coordinator and Trainer

January 2015
Assistant Sister-in-Charge of Loreto Hostel


It is with deep gratitude that those whose persons she has touched spoke kindly of her as she gave her best wherever she was sent on a mission, especially with women and young women workers.
Srs. Anita and Concep with women workers (young & adults)

“Sr. Anita presents herself uniquely and positively and shows her authority as a woman that has taught us so much. She challenged us to bring out the potential in us and confidence that we are capable. She is small in size but thank God, her life… her character…  her attitude… speaks of wisdom.”    Gabby
Sr. Anita with Fr. Dong, PIME, ASAC Director
Fr. Dong and Sr. Anita (18th Graduation Exercises for Basic and Advanced Sewing and Food Technology)

“We came in together to work at ASAC. Her limitation of not being able to use gadgets like mobile phone or laptop did not become a hindrance to carry out her mission. What is amazing is her COURAGE! She is convinced that she has a mission…It is hard to say goodbye but there is always a message of hope…” Fr. Dong, PIME, ASAC Director

Archbishop John Ribat of the Archdiocese of Port Moresby sent this message: “Thanks so much to Sr. Anita. She did very well in the time she was there to lead the team. Thanks for her contribution to the life of the Church and the nation as her work was not only to the Catholics but to all who were willing to be formed in the areas where she went to teach. She did so much for us all. And may God, our Father, bless her greatly with good health as she returns home with fond memories of her contributions and good works.”
Sr. Anita with Sr. Elma and a Filipina friend and her baby

On the 24th of June, Anita traveled back to the Philippines with the mementos of gratitude for the life lived with and the generous service rendered to the people of Papua New Guinea. The sisters were all present not only to bid her farewell but to say “thank you” for the journey trodden that left her mark in community life and in the SSJ mission in this Land of Paradise… and the Land of the Unexpected.


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