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Visayas –Vietnam (Philippines) Cluster Retreat March 21-28, 2015

The Visayas-Vietnam Cluster Retreat was held at Maryshore Mission Center- Bukal ngTipan, Talisay City, Negros Occidental last March 21 -28, 2015. However, out of the 18 members of the Cluster, only fifteen of our sisters belonging to the three Visayan communities - taller of Cebu, Iloilo and Silay were able to participate in this eight-day annual retreat.

Our retreat facilitator was Fr. Joriz F. Calsa, a Salesian priest assigned in Cebu City. The theme for the 8 days focused on Consecrated Life in Today's Church, Gospel, Prophecy and Hope. Our daily schedule of sessions was Lectio Divina  in the morning  based on the Gospel of the day while the afternoon sessions centered on the topics about Jesus, Chosen, Vows, Mary, in line with the Feast of the Annunciation, Mission and Awaken the World. He gave us questions as our points for prayer and reflection after every session. At the end of the day we had the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and towards the end of the Mass two volunteers each day shared their prayer experience. The sharing of the spiritual journey of each sister had greatly enriched us knowing that God was very much present in the journey of each one as He touched our heart with his healing love, consolation and openness to the grace of conversion.

The venue of our retreat also facilitated an atmosphere of prayer, silence and solitude. We had the chance to glorify God in the beauty of nature around us: the trees, birds, flowers and different kinds of plants. Early in the morning we wait at the sea side for the sunrise to greet us a blessed day and in the afternoon almost all of us were positioned in front of the sea to watch the sunset with amazement and gratitude to the ABBA. 

Each one of us felt that our day was full of blessings from our faithful and loving God.


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