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Archbishop Socrates Villegas, DD with Sr. Milagros, SSJ Formators and Formands
The Formands' Encounter (November 9-10, 2015) with the theme- RADIATING THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL- started with a Holy Mass celebrating the Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica and presided by His Eminence Archbishop Socrates Villegas, DD. This opening mass also served as a thanksgiving celebration for the renewal of vows of Maria Bernadette Reyna, SSJ and the 12th Anniversary of the Beatification of our dear foundress, St. Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro, SSJ.

Sr. Maria Bernadette Reyna, SSJ celebrating the 5th year of her Religious Life

In his homily, Archbishop Socrates gave us 3 questions to ponder on: “What makes you happy? What makes you angry? Where are you going?” From the depth of his heart he answered those questions: “It is God who should make us happy…it is sin that should make us angry and not the sinner…Heaven is where we are going. Whatever we do should lead us to it.” After that meaningful Eucharistic celebration, the sisters, formands, collaborators and guests had the chance to have the picture taking with him.          

Alice joyfully welcomed the participants of the encounter- 8 Postulants (6 Vietnamese & 2 Papuans), 5 Novices (3 Vietnamese, 1 Papuan & 1 Filipina) and 10 Juniors (5 Vietnamese & 5 Filipinas), together with some professed sisters who were present.  Mila interestingly oriented the group with what will happen during the 2-days’ activities. Everybody was excited with a big smile on her face.
Sr. Milagros Maravilla, SSJ giving orientation to the formands

The program of activities started with creative presentations by the formands in the different stages of formation, on the realities of their respective communities and apostolates. They were expressed through mimes, dances, song interpretations, role-playing and skits.        

The groups' faith and life sharing, the games and sports and the relaxing movie brought them closer to one another regardless of their ages, limitations and cultures. Closer bonding and familiarity were obviously seen among them. Feelings of belonging to the Congregation were strongly experienced by the formands after Jenny’s presentation of the Congregational realities through a power point presentation.  They tried fondly to recognize and remember the names of the sisters from the different countries who once visited the Philippines.

On the second day, the formands appreciated so much the sharing of the elderly SSJs- Fellisa Villaluna, Ma. Flora Perez, Julia Talicusay, Epifania Bauto and Beatriz Bristol- during the Inter-Generational Encounter. Truly, it had a strong impact on them as reflected in their sharing afterwards. It made their hearts burn with love and zeal for Jesus, the Worker in Nazareth and gave them inspirations, lights and energy to dream more for the Congregation that is rooted in the different cultures where they're coming from.

Panelists: Sisters Beatriz Bristol, Ma. Flora Perez, Epifania Bauto and Felisa Villaluna

The encounter culminated with the cultural presentation which showed the talents and creativity of the formands. It was very much enjoyed and appreciated by everybody.

Indeed, the Formands' Encounter has been a wonderful experience for the Holy Family Province formands. How thankful they were for the opportunity that was given to them, for the all-out support of the professed sisters who joined them, for the services rendered by the lay collaborators who provided them with healthy food, and above all, for God’s loving presence which made possible such a meaningful and unforgettable encounter.


  1. Thanks for sharing with us so rich a Formands'Encounter


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