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So much life, love and joy had been experienced by all of us who had joined our dearest Mo. Telesfora Sondia as she celebrated her 105th Birthday last January 5, 2016 at the Provincial House, with the “Misa” (Celebration of the Eucharist) followed by the “Mesa” (Hearty Dinner).

The mass presider Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SP, Mo. Tele’s nephew was right when he said during his homily that Mo. Tele is truly a person who has lived a full life, and, indeed, our most precious treasure in the Province. Once again he invited all of us to take Mo. Tele to his 9 am Mass at SM Megamall so that many more people would be touched and be inspired by the loving and living presence of God which is very much evident in her life for 105 years...!!!

The following is the Introduction for the Eucharistic Celebration written and read by Sr. Beatriz Bristol, SSJ. This expresses our love and sentiments for Mo. Tele, and our gratitude to God for the Gift of her person to each one of us in the Province and in the whole Congregation, and to the Church.

“Today, we are gathered to offer our thanksgiving prayer for the gift of life of 105 years of Mo. Tele. Before all of us, her long life is an unfolding wonder, a miracle to ponder and admire.

Last Friday, that was New Year after supper, three sisters were eager to know her thoughts, to test her memory. One sister asked, “Mother, when is your birthday? She, then, answered, “January 5, 1911.” Another sister asked, “asta edad nga gusto mo mabuhi?” (Until what age do you want to live?) She answered, “Until God wants.”

Her life is a language filled with meaning and sense to be discovered. It is not a matter of asking why or finding the reason or explanation for life, but in the participation with the events, the mysteries of life, the openness to be a part of God’s plan.

Another question was asked by another sister, “What is your message to all SSJ Sisters?” She answered: “BE PERFECT LOVER OF GOD.” She repeated her reply thrice.

Her positive words and affirming presence are appreciated by us, for they come from within. There is a glow in her eyes, radiance in her soul, a glance of grace, a spark of God. For us, these are worth memories. We can only cherish what is blessed and willed by God…Amen!”


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