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St Joseph Day in Congo

Atelier Nazareth in Bukama

Here in Congo the celebration of the feast of St. Joseph started on Friday, March 18, for the communities of Kabondo Bukama and Katuba with their students and teachers in the Atelier de Promotion and workers (for Katuba) in the Taller de Production. They started
Dancing in Katuba
with a prayer followed by a program, wherein the students shared their talents in singing, dancing, declaming and acting. Then a sister shared something about the life of St.Joseph. A simple merienda was served afterwards. Everybody enjoyed the celebration, especially the students who doesn’t want to end the day.

Lunch in Katuba

On the day itself, March 19, the two communities in Lubumbashi, Kashobwe and Katuba shared lunch together in Katuba. Then in the afternoon they had mass with the Lay Josephines in Kashobwe. The mass was officiated by Fr. Benjamin, SJ. He spoke about the obedience of St. Joseph wherein he was willing to forego his own plan inorder to do the plan of God. Afterwards food was served in which the LJ and SSJ had prepared. 

Merienda in Bukama

For the community of Bukama they had mass also together with the LJ in the morning then in the afternoon at 3 o’clock they started with a prayer and merienda after. A film about family life was shown to help them strengthen their relationships in the family as well as remain faithful to each other. There was a very enriching sharing among them afterwards. 

On the other hand, the community of Kabondo celebrated the feast of St. Joseph with the LJ on Monday since it is the day of their meetings and prayer with the sisters. Unfortunately, on that day there was a heavy rain and only few came. Why? Here in Congo when it rains, water really pours so it means the roads are flooded, muddy and slippery, especially in the interior, where the roads are not yet cemented or developed. But then despite of the few in numbers they continued with the celebration of life thanking God for the gift of St. Joseph to the Church and especially to our Congregation. 

Happy Feast Day everyone! May St. Joseph continue to be our model and protector in living Nazareth in todays time.


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