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In preparation for March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, and as regularly been practiced annually, CT-Cebu with our TDNC co-workers prepared a Triduum integrated in the Morning Praise from March 16-18, to highlight our Patron Saint and Model’s best virtues namely: simplicity, obedience and chaste love.

Aside from the Triduum, we had also Recollection and celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation facilitated by Fr. Mariano Rondael, a Rogate priest. Some of our LJ candidates joined the TDNC-workers and the SSJs on the 18th of March.

On the 19th at 4 p.m., we had our culminating Eucharistic Celebration with Fr. John Cariño, a Somascan priest officiating. In his homily he highlighted St. Joseph’s virtues (his silence as he works) and the symbol of his cane with the lily flowers. We see this cane among our bishops, the Pope, which symbolizes power (the power of love, stewardship, authority and strength). Our neighbors here in the Princess Compound as well as at Lourdes Village, the LJ aspirants and one of our scholars at Casa Miani, Person, joined us and our TDNC co-workers for the Mass.

After the Mass, Sr. Estela talked on the advocacy “Huwag Kang Magnakaw”. This is in connection with developing the virtue of Honesty and Truth in all aspects of our lives as workers, as family members, in holding positions in government, during elections, etc.  

We had dinner served after the mass. We cut short the time for the EARTH HOUR (Lights Off) from 8:30pm-9:30 pm. We postponed the Ritual of the Distribution of the New Revised Constitutions among us for Sunday on the Passion of the Lord during our Adoration time.

In the Ritual, there was a prepared Liturgy. In the acceptance of the Constitutions we wrote our dispositions expressed in catching words. We deepened on the Word of God Is.43:18-21. 

Feeling as God’s chosen People; we relished the newness of the revised Constitutions with gratitude and with hearts renewed. Article 27 of the Constitutions helped us desire more to live our sisterly relationships in the community and to place it in the hands of God, aware of the truth that our C-Ts have no reason to exist if we don’t live our Mission in the light of the Word of God. 

We used the crayons and drew our symbols expressing our desires on how these Constitutions would influence our lives and revitalize the NOW of the Congregation.


  1. Comunidad Juniorado Filipinas23 de marzo de 2016, 13:44

    Thank you sisters for your beautiful sharing. We feel very much present to your activities there. Our best regards to all of you!

  2. Thanks for your sharing. I remember fondly the days I lived with you


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