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The SSJ Sisters of Luzon Cluster (Holy Family Province, Philippines) were gathered last March 19, 2016 at the Provincial House in order to celebrate together the Feast of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary and Father-Protector of their congregation. The affair was very much anticipated and prepared by the different communities-taller.

The following were the highlights of the celebration in honor of their Patron St. Joseph:

v The Rite of Acceptance of the Revised Constitutions

After disposing the sisters for the celebration of life through the introduction and the English song- "New Life, New Creation", each sister was given time to write in a small paper her disposition/s towards the Constitutions, then stick it on the copy of the Constitutions as she said her disposition/s  aloud: gratitude, joy, hope, openness, docility to the Spirit, unity, surrender, obedience, etc… Some moments of silence followed in order to listen and to deepen on the Word of God. After the song which expresses Christ as the only treasure in our earthen vessels, in a very prayerful spirit, each sister from each community-taller took a copy of the Constitutions. Each one felt that such moment was very sacred and that a very strong bond with the whole congregation existed.

Another very touching and enriching moment was when each sister offered a hand-made Symbol around the Light and the Word, and expressed how she desires these Constitutions to influence our common life and Mission and revitalize the NOW of our Congregation.

v The Eucharistic Celebration presided by Fr. Eugene Cañete, MJ

The Power-Point presentation made by Rosario Hernandez, SSJ, which was shown at the beginning of the Mass, the beautiful voices of C-T Rosario (Pre-Novitiate) who prepared the liturgy and led in the singing, the meaningful homily of Fr. Eugene, and the reception of First communion by M.A., one of the sheltered residents of C-T Murphy- all these added to the meaningful and joyful celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

v Launching of the advocacy of the Archdiocese of Manila: HUWAG KANG MAGNAKAW (Thou shall not steal) of the 7th Commandment

Before the end of the Mass, the SSJ sisters, the TDNQC workers, the TPMBI residents and the SSJ Collaborators, dressed in white T-Shirt with printed caption- Ikapitong Utos: HUWAG KANG MAGNAKAW (Exodus 20:15), pledged together to commit themselves to realize the advocacy’s dream for the poor that through its focus on the recreation of a cultural change highlighting on HONESTY, the poor will be able to reclaim their dignity as children of God.

v The announcement of the list of Communities-Taller for the SY 2016-2017 during a hearty lunch

The Provincial Team was really very prompt to be able to come up with the final list of Communities-Taller for the School Year 2016-2017.  This was really one of the most awaited moments by the sisters. While everybody was enjoying the hearty lunch, Sr. Milagros Maravilla, SSJ, the Provincial Coordinator, announced the completed list of the Communities-Taller. As expected, the sisters could not control their reactions every time they heard of changes in the assignments of the sisters.


  1. Me gusta y comparto .Soy antigua alumna de Granada.

  2. Comunidad Juniorado Filipinas23 de marzo de 2016, 13:34

    Gracias por la apreciacion Marian! Con abrazo


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