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June 6 is the day dedicated to remember and celebrate the holiness and the giftedness of St. Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro for all of us Siervas de San Jose, for the Church, and for the whole world, especially the poor working world. It is the day of her birth in the world 179 years ago and her birth in the church as a saint 5 years ago. Truly, this gives us the reason to celebrate it every year with special love and devotion.

Last June 6, 2016, we, the Siervas de San Jose here in Luzon Cluster had a whole day celebration of the feast of St. Bonifacia. The morning was highlighted by the Eucharistic Celebration with the Renewal of Vows of Genelyn Caminian, SSJ and the Acceptance to the Noviceship Formation of the three Vietnamese pre-novices. Together with us during the celebration were the Lay Josephines, the SSJ collaborators and some friends.

The afternoon activity was opened by a tour and viewing of the SSJ Heritage Center and the finale was the Santa Bonifacia Concert Recital in honor of her 179th birthday to benefit the Mother Bonifacia Foundation, Inc. and the SSJ scholarship and sheltering programs for marginalized working women. The concert was held at the Capilla Sagrada Familia of the Provincial House. The life of Mother Bonifacia was narrated in songs sang by Tenor-Roland Raymund Roldan, Soprano-Ma. Gereberne Lozada (with Pianist Van Quiaong), and 7 SSJosephine Choir Sisters.


  1. Qué maravilla, doy gracias al Señor por los dones que os ha dado y que ponéis con generosidad al servicio de su Reino, en nuestra Congregación.
    Os felicito.
    Angeles Martín


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