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CT Iloilo organized a Triduum at Holy Family Home in honor of St. Bonifacia as preparation for the celebration of her feast on June 6. The Triduum started on June 3 and ended on June 5 with the corresponding theme for each day: June 3, St. Bonifacia, A Woman-Worker-Religious; June 4, St. Bonifacia, A Woman of Silence and Humility; and June 5, St. Bonifacia, A Woman and Lover of Prayer. A number of residents who are taking trimestral classes during summer and three accountancy reviewees joined the triduum.

On the Feast Day itself, two Eucharistic Celebrations were held at St. Anne Parish in Molo, Iloilo, the Church where the big photo image of St. Bonifacia was installed last Christmas eve of 2015. The parish priest, Fr. Boy Celis, presided over the solemnity celebration both in the 5:30 morning mass and in the 5:30 afternoon mass. Although the morning mass was only accompanied by music without the choir, nevertheless, it was a very solemn Eucharistic Celebration.

After the mass, Fr. Boy prepared a simple breakfast of home made pandesal with corned beef and hot coffee and invited everyone present to celebrate the feast. It was indeed an opportunity for the community to get to know some parishioners

The evening mass was a Jerusalem Mass where Fr. Boy, being the presider sung the whole mass with the accompaniment of the beautiful and powerful voices of the parish choir. The heavenly singing of the choir echoed magnificently inside the Church. It was really the intention of Father Boy to make the people experience the joy of hearing this kind of mass and made them feel as if they were in heaven surrounded by the choirs of angels singing praises to God. He said he would like to make St. Bonifacia smile.

After the mass followed the kissing of the relic of St. Bonifacia. Almost everybody lined up to venerate her. There were quite a number of people than the usual daily mass goers. Our residents who came all the way from their class attended the celebration.

The Sisters then were invited by Fr. Boy to join them for dinner together with the parish kitchen staff and the newly-ordained priest. Everybody enjoyed the hearty dinner he prepared from their famous kitchennette. The Sisters in turn brought their share of dessert. It was truly a blessed and fruitful celebration of the feast of our dearest foundress St. Bonifacia.



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