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Last September 12, 2016, the SSJ sisters, Sr. Gloria’s family members, Lay Josephines (Silay City) and friends gathered together in order to celebrate with Sr. Gloria Evangelista, SSJ her 50 years in the religious life. Truly, it was a very festive and joyful occasion where the abiding presence of God who faithfully and lovingly accompanied Sr. Gloria, as His chosen and precious spouse during these 50 years, was very palpable.

The celebration started with the Eucharistic Celebration presided by the parish priest of San Diego Parish- Fr. Demitri Gatchia. 

The Mass Introduction was composed and read by Sr. Dally Alcala, SSJ. It was, indeed, very meaningful and touching!

“Good afternoon everyone!  In 1964, that was 52 years ago, a young lady from Norala, South  Cotabato (Philippines) was accompanied by her parents to Manila for college studies. That was Sr. Gloria Evangelista. However, her plan was different from theirs. While waiting for the enrollment time, she planned to go to St. Rita, a convent of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters whom she knew in high school, but nobody would accompany her. Learning of her desire to go to a religious convent, the owner of the house rented by her aunt invited her to visit Sr. Telesfora, SSJ, her auntie in Holy Family Dormitory in Manila. Sr. Glo accepted the invitation, and after making 2 visits to know the Siervas de San Jose, she asked her parents' consent to follow her heart's desire to become a religious sister. Her mother blessed her decision and likewise, her father, though very sad, let her go.

She started her Pre-noviceship formation in Jaro, Iloilo City on February 2, 1964 at the age of 22. Life was bitter- sweet during her a few months in the formation house. She experienced a desire to go home on her first experience of conflict. Previously, her mother told that if ever she finds it very difficult to stay, she can always go back home. But then her calling was greater than the conflict she had experienced.  On September 12, 1966, she made her first profession and after a few days she was sent to Spain for her Juniorate formation for 2 years. When she came back to the Philippines, she was assigned to the different apostolic tasks of the Congregation, experiencing life's joys and challenges that assured her of God’s love, goodness and fidelity.

She grew in the love of God that when she was told to go to the mission in Congo, she said yes to the unknown. She became fruitful in her life of love and service to the poor. Her giftedness, talents and capacities were generously shared in obedience and love for Jesus, the Worker in Nazareth. After 9 years of service to the people of Congo, she returned to the Philippines and shared her life with the young women at risk in the SSJ sheltering apostolate as well as with the retreatants in Tagaytay. She then served the needs of the sisters in the Provincial House. At present, she works at the Talleres de Nazaret, Silay as one among the other workers there, and at STA Canteen to serve the students’ needs during recess time.

Sr. Glo’s childlike attitude, simplicity and sense of humor enrich the living out of our Community-Taller and our commitment to the mission of announcing the Good News of work to the poor working world.  At the age of 75 and 50 years of religious profession, Sr. Gloria is still “bearing fruits, still full of sap and still green to proclaim God's greatness” in her life…”

After the proclamation of the Gospel, with heart full of praise, joy and gratitude to God, Sr. Glo (as she is fondly called) once again pronounced the formula of religious profession, uttering it from the deepest recesses of her being, signifying that ONLY in God her life finds its ultimate meaning and fulfillment…yes, ONLY IN GOD…

The songs sung during the mass were Sr. Glo’s favorites. They all expressed her deepest sentiments toward her life, vocation, mission and her relationship with others, nature and God.

From “Misa” they gathered for “Mesa”. The boodle fight dinner added color to the Glo’s golden anniversary celebration. There were so many stories to share, much laughter and enjoyment, and deeper bonding among them. 

During dinner, a video clip about Sr. Gloria was presented. Everybody enjoyed watching it!



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