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Mo. Mag @ 95 sharing on Prayer and Faith with STA Faculty and Staff

It was, indeed, very inspiring to behold and listen to Mo. Magdalena Braganza, SSJ as she shared her insights and experiences on St. Theresita’s Academy’s (Silay, Philippines) core value for the month of October, that is, Prayer and Faith. On November 27, 2016, she will be 95 years old and yet she is still full of life and vitality.

Sr. Natividad Maravilla, SSJ (school directress) introducing Mo. Mag to the group

The sharing of Mo. Mag (as she is fondly called) took place in the afternoon of September 23, 2016 at St. Bonifacia Hall. Everybody was very attentive as she/he listened to her words of wisdom and spiritual insights about the topic. In her talk, she inserted short interesting stories which aroused everybody’s interest and enabled her/him to understand better the message. She said that “prayer is our intimate conversation with God, the beginning and the end of our life, where the beating of our heart becomes one with the beating of His heart… Even though one will not say anything to God during his/her time of prayer, communication continues… because she/he is there before God, God is there before him/her… Prayer and Faith is essential in our Christian life… a person who does not believe in God nor pray to Him will find life nonsense and meaningless…” These are some of the thoughts she kept on repeating during her talk which lasted for almost forty minutes. One of the teachers commented later that all of them were listening attentively to her because they really felt that her sharing came from her own deep and authentic life of prayer borne out of her closeness with God.


  1. Thank you for your wisdom that inspire us to cultivate our deep relationship with God.May the Lord continue to bless you good health and more years in the service of the Lord. con mucho carino.


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