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Wednesdays at MEC Electronics Factory (Philippines)… A RESPONSE… A CHALLENGE…


Through the mediation of the new Parish Priest of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, Rosario, Cavite (Philippines), Fr. Phem, the Mass presider during the regular monthly Eucharistic Celebration in MEC Electronics Philippines Corporation, the Siervas de San Jose who reside at Rosario, Cavite were able to enter this factory and give Formation sessions to its workers. MEC Electronics Philippines Corporation is a leading manufacturer of power supply cords, magnetic coils, computer cables located at Cavite Economic Zone, Rosario, Cavite with more or less 800 workers.

The Human Resource Development (HRD) manager previously approached Fr. Phem in order to seek his help because at that time, the management of MEC was having difficulty in handling its relationship with the workers and the workers’ relationship among themselves. Fr. Phem was able to convince him/her that what could help is providing Christian formation sessions for the workers.  Due to the fact that the priest cannot give the sessions to them because of his busy schedule, he referred the SSJ sisters to be the workers’ formators since the sisters’ main apostolate is the evangelization of the workers in the poor working world.

Sr. Raquel was tasked by C-T Rosario to coordinate with the HRD manager, to make the modules for workers’ formation and to facilitate the formation sessions. During the sisters’ meeting with MEC manager, it was agreed that the formation sessions be given every Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Since MEC factory has more or less 800 workers, Sr. Raquel suggested to the manager to give the formation per line with its line leader every session (every Wednesday), intending to give the first module of formation to each group, one at a time. She plans to give the second module after all the groups have undergone the first module session.

On September 14, 2016, Sr. Raquel started the Values Formation session to the first group of workers. She was accompanied by one pre-novice who assisted her in documentation, picture-taking, distribution of materials for formation, etc. Her community decided that she will always be accompanied by one pre-novice. In this way, her work would be facilitated and the pre-novices themselves who will go with her by rotation would have a good exposure on the realities of the workers and a simple encounter with them.

As of February 1, 2017 – there were already 401 MEC workers who were given the first module session.  Formation sessions will be resumed sometime in March, 2017.

The HFP Provincial Team and all the sisters in the province are in full support of this formation program of C-T Rosario to MEC workers. The said program is one venue also for the SSJ Congregation to be more visible and for their founders- Fr. Francisco and St. Bonifacia to be known, thus the possibility of attracting more vocations to the congregation.


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