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Here at Loreto Hostel, we do not only provide accommodation for our residents but we have programs and activities that promote their development and empower them as PNG young women workers. Last year, we started the FESTIVAL OF WORKERS and it turned out good for everyone who organized it and those who came. And so this year, we celebrated it again on the 11th of June 2017, giving tribute to all women workers as inspired by St. Bonifacia (SSJ Foundress), a woman worker herself called and sent by God.


We started at 10:30 a.m. with the opening prayer led by the Prayer and Worship Committee. 

This was followed by a variety of presentations and activities. The residents displayed their talents through poems and dances aside from the fact that they organized the event. 

They also had barbecue on sale to raise funds for their special hostel project.

There were games for the children and the adults and the selling of ice cream at a low price. There was also instant raffle draw with very good and practical prizes donated by generous individuals and companies.



In order to give flavor to and deepen on the theme, we had two woman resource speakers:

The first speaker, Maliwai Sasingian, co-Founder of the The Voice, Inc., shared her path of growth as a woman contributing to the promotion of young people as leaders in creating the future. Coming from another Church, she did her research on St. Bonifacia in the internet and this is how she stated her reflection: “inspired by the teachings around work and the importance of working, Bonifacia opened her home to her young women to build a community for them to encourage each other and stay strong together. Her story is one that was not easy the fact that she faced rejection by the community that initially set up. She did not say anything of what she was accused of…she remained silent. She is a role model and it is really an honor to be here with you to give tribute to such an amazing woman who is a saint.”

Our second speaker, Ambrosia Kavale-Sury, a former resident and a Lay Josephine, highlighted the impact of Mother Bonifacia in her faith journey and in her present family life: “There were many of us here that time when we joined the Lay Josephines of PNG and we learned more about Mother Bonifacia. We did not become SSJ sisters. This is not our calling. Our calling is to go and live family life having her as a model in my work and also in my family. She is a woman I love to share about especially with young girls. She inspired me and others by the simple life she lived. She is now a saint not because she went out and did big things. No, she did very simple things with the Holy Family in Nazareth always with her.”

In between the emcees, Carolyn and Annellie, invited our guests to present their items and the children did. There was also on-the-spot interview on what they have been touched during the day’s event.

As they said, it was fun and faith-filled day! Everyone enjoyed the company of each one as many stayed on until after the closing activities were done at 3:00 p.m.


   by Concie and Sapu (students)

Work, work, work, work
Let me do my work from day to day
In the fields, at the desk or with the loom
In roaring market places or in a tranquil room.
Let me find it in my heart to say:
“When vagrant wishes beckon me astray,
this is my work, my blessing not my doom.
Of all who live, I am the one whom
this work can be done in the right way.

Work, work, work, work
Then I shall see it not too great or too small
To suit my spirit and to prove my power;
Then shall I cheerfully greet the laboring hours
And happy turn when the long shadows fall
Because I know my work is best for all.

    by Cynthia Nanareng

Before Jesus began his public ministry, he lived in Nazareth.
He had a father, a mother and cousin brothers.
He lived an ordinary life.
He lived the life of a worker.

He had an earthly father, named Joseph, who was a carpenter.
I know my Lord spent His days in the wood shop.
He held a plank in place while his father hammered.
He sawed and chiseled wood and made furniture.

He has a mother whose name is Mary
Whom she responded to when he was called to do a chore.
He fetched water, he made the fire and helped in the upkeep of the house.
He was obedient, kind and loving.

I wish to be like my Lord
Doing all the work with dignity and humility
In union with God’s love and in communion with my co-workers
That my work may be holy and sanctifying
That I may reflect his hidden life in Nazareth.


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