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The celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Sr. Maria Gloria S. Gustilo, SSJ last August 12, 2017 was very joyful and was truly filled with gratitude to God for the wonderful gift of vocation.

For Sr. Ma. Gloria, or Glo, as we fondly call her, the past 50 years of her consecrated life were full of life, color, dynamism, music, joy, and of Nazareth Spirit! As we know, all of these are just a reflection of her own unique person and style, a shadow of the love of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, with whom she fell in love at an early age and who called her to follow him in the religious life as a Sierva de San Jose. In fact, she was so captivated that she chose the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to be her religious name.

Glo had been assigned in many apostolic centers of our Congregation, in the Philippines and abroad, each one, a call to which she said “Yes” with humility, disponibility and generosity, like clay in the Potter’s hands; and in each one, she has left a special imprint in the hearts of people, both old and young. The guests who were present during the celebration, coming from the different places and of different ages, could attest to that. Her longest mission was with the migrant workers in Rome.

On the day of her celebration, the guests started to arrive from different places. Sr. Ma.Gloria was so happy with the presence of her siblings, relatives, friends, and people that she had encountered during her ministry in the Philippines and abroad.

Thanksgiving Mass started at 11 a.m and was presided by Fr. Elmo Tactackan, MJ. He shared with us a very meaningful and inspiring homily. Part of it I quote: “Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keep You Humble, Success keeps You Growing, But Only God keeps You Going…”

The Eucharistic Celebration was followed by a hearty lunch “Agape” enjoyed by everyone.


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