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6th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Bonifacia, First Profession of Giang and Joy and Renewal of Evangeline October 23, 2017

“We feel that there are no words that can exactly express what we are feeling – the joy and gratitude, the enthusiasm and eagerness that fill our hearts… all because we are experiencing concretely how it is to be chosen by God and to be called His Beloved not only through the gift of our vocation but also through your very persons."

Allow us to say our heartfelt thanks to the most significant figures or persons in our lives:

1.  To God, especially to Jesus in Nazaret who called us and allowed us to discover the purpose of our life.  Thank you for making us realize that we are good and do good not because of ourselves but because You have loved us.  Living our life grounded on Your love makes all things in life beautiful.

2.  To our founders:  Fr. Francisco Butinya and St. Bonifacia, the seed that was sown and died .. and bears fruits … thank you for your fidelity, dedication and prophetic vision for through the Congregation you established, the Gospel page of Nazareth is being recreated in our present time.  It is this family who welcomed, accompanied and supported us to listen and respond to the gift of vocation.  Thank you to all our sisters especially our formators and communities-taller of the different stages.  Your patience, support, care and witnessing encouraged us to be where we are now.

3.  Finally, to our families especially to our parents and siblings, “the seed-bed of our vocation”.

The celebration was held at the Capilla de la Sagrada Familia, SSJ Provincial House on October 23, 2017 10:00 am.  This was presided by Fr. Nonong Pili with Fr. Sebastian, CMF as concelebrant.  Families from Palawan, Iloilo, Cebu and  VietNam came to be one with the SSJ sisters, LJ and friends in this momentous event.  The co-workers of Talleres de Nazaret Quezon City and Mandaluyong were also there.

During the shared lunch, the novices presented a short skit greeting the newly professed and the renewalist and dancing to the song that speaks of the passion to be sent to mission – their readiness and eagerness to be sent.  The co-workers of the Talleres de Nazaret Mandaluyong followed with an intermission-like number depicting the life/essence of the Taller.  It was a simple, festive bonding of the family that one can feel the magnificence of community life … NAZARETH today.


  1. SSJ de la Provincia de Perú2 de noviembre de 2017, 15:03

    Nos sumamos a la fiesta agradeciendo el amor fiel con el que Dios ha acompañado y os sigue acompañando en el crecimiento de la parte de verdad, bondad y belleza con que ha llenado vuestros corazones. Giang y Evangeline, os deseamos que sigáis compartiendo vuestro don con todas las personas que necesitan descubrir al Dios Amor que os ha llamado al seguimiento de Jesús en Nazaret.Un abrazo de todas y cada una de las SSJ de la provincia.

  2. Siempre agradecidas a Dios cuando la familia crece y se fortalece. Enhórabuena, lo celebramos con gozo. Un abrazo, vuestras hermanas

  3. Felicidades queridas hermanas Giang, Joy y Evangeline !!! Damos gracias al Señor por su Sí por su entrega generosa. Que el Dios de la vida las siga acompañando y fortaleciendo en su si cotidiano allí donde él las llama a servirlo y anunciarlos. Cuenten con nuestras oraciones sus hermanas de la Comunidad Taller. Los toldos -Argentina


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