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Francisco Butinya, the Man who Trust in God

December 18,2017 was a significant day for us as we celebrate the 118th death Anniversary of Fr. Francisco Butinya. The occasion started with the Holy Eucharist presided by Fr. Victor Sadaya, CMF, at Holy Family School wherein the three Juniors, namely Nguyen Thi Bich Huyen, Bui Thi Thien and Nguyen Thi Kim Thi renewed their vows before the assembly of the SSJ, LJ, former Residents of the Sheltering apostolate, HFS students, faculty and staff. Rochelle Repaso renewed her vows before some SSJ sisters, her uncle and aunt and a nurse in NKTI Hospital where she was recuperating from the accident she had some days before the celebration.

The Eucharistic celebration was followed by the Raffle draw at the Provincial House for the benefit of the Residents of the sheltering apostolate of C-T Murphy. This is the third year of the fundraising campaign initiated by the former Residents of the sheltering apostolate which greatly help augment the funds of the Tahanang Paghubog Mother Bonifacia, Inc. (TPMBI) center. The program started with the prayer-dance of the TPMBI residents and ended with the power point presentation prepared by Rosario Hernandez about the life of faith and the legacy of Fr. Francisco Butinya to the Congregation and to the Church. This was affirmed by the sharing of some former residents wherein they expressed how Fr. Butinya and Mother Bonifacia had influenced their faith in God, their valuing of work and the impact they created on the people they live and work with. 

Everybody enjoyed the whole celebration that was capped by a hearty potluck lunch brought by the different C-Ts in Luzon Cluster and the former TPMBI Residents.


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