CT- ROSARIO has opened its doors and hearts to our co- parishioners, workers from our neighborhood- the CAVITE ECONOMIC ZONE (EPZA - CEZ) particularly MEC ELECTRONICS Philippines Manufacturing Corporation, Inc., our clients from the previous feeding program project in Dreamland Community.
On December
15, 2017, MEC Administration with some of the workers invited
the sisters to join them in the Christmas gift-giving to Bukal ng Kapayapaan in Trece Martires . These are handicapped kids
and youths under the Center of the Missionary Brothers of Charity. We shared
some goods with them.
On December
17, 2017, a second time gathering and the day before the Feast Day of Fr.
Francisco Xavier Butinya, SJ, we received quite a number of visitors (16 of
them) from these areas and sectors. Purposely, on the first time that we met
them on November 19, 2017, we invited people of all walks of life in the parish
to come and see us in our place so that they would be acquainted with us; we
would know them, too (where they live,
etc…) and ultimately they would become our collaborators .
Our first
encounter with them was a sharing of faith and life - introducing ourselves as
SSJs, and them, their state of life, commitments in the church, family and
community. For future encounters, we intend to introduce to them our Congregation,
what is it, what it does, its charism/mission in the church; our founders and
why we are in this place.
Since it
was Fr. Francisco’s death anniversary on the following day, 18th of
December, it was very timely to introduce him to the group as “ Tatay “ and as a
point of reference in this constantly
changing world.
On December
20, 2017, we were back to MEC ELECTRONICS Philippines Manufacturing Corporation,
Inc. The management and workers invited us to join their Thanksgiving Mass at
2:00 pm, commencing their early Christmas party celebration. The priest
presider was Fr. Renato Alegre, our parish priest.
The new C-T
Rosario has been beset by changes. Firstly, in the places where we had our
Pre-Novitiate stage, then the Formator in –charge with Sr. Raquel as the new
Pre-Novitiate Coordinator. The previous members of the community have been
given new assignments here and outside of the country.
We, the present members then introduced
ourselves in the heart of Fr. Butinya and in the heart of the world. It was a
heart- warming experience encountering female workers, mothers with babies,
families with father and grown –up kids, youths as they share life, work and
faith. Hopefully, these meetings could last and breed a new membership in
the Josephine family in the Luzon
Cluster of Holy Family Province.
Prepared by:
Sr. Felma,ssj
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