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SSJ-FSJ Meeting in Medellín (Colombia)

Being faithful to the commitment: "Create spaces of communion between Daughters and Servants of San José ..."

Hello friends!

Greetings from these Colombian Lands of Antioquia.

Wishing to share with all of you, on Sunday, August 12, we celebrated together; daughters and servants of this region of Colombia the feast of Santa Bonifacia. 

SYou might ask us, ... and what did you do? ... well, I will tell you, we were remembering our Josephine roots... the adventures of our founders and the first sisters ... we rejoiced as we became aware of the reality that we were one Congregation for 25 years.   Thus, as sisters of the same founders the congregation blessed this land with a group of sisters who, both in Calella and Salamanca, followed Jesus of Nazareth in the manner that the Holy Family did, and in accord with the Constitutions. that Father Butinyà wrote in Salamanca.

After a shared reflection in small groups we listened to each other as we shared the themes that we had reflected and which were arising from the REACH NAZARETH board that the sisters had made. It was a special sharing time in sorority with the joy of feeling, sharing, welcoming and listening attentively as each one of us allowed the messages to resonate in our interior selves as we were contemplating and sharing our life and history of the Josephine Congregation.

“…How nice that the sisters love each other and share ...”  our hearts were enlarged as the afternoon went on, we were full of wonder, savoring the life of each one ... and remembering ... it was a simple, lively and laughter-filled afternoon. The hours went by quickly and suddenly it was time to leave, as each workshop community returned to their “place of mission".   And we began to remember and share the dates of the next activities and parties that we will be sharing during the rest of the year.

A sharing of THANKSGIVING poured out of each of our hearts, as we expressed  our gratitude with the assurance that Jesus, Joseph and Mary are guiding us and directing our way.
Until next time.

The workshop-communities of Daughters and Siervas in Medellín, Colombia

The items of the meeting were:

2:30 P.M. A 5:00 P.M. 

THEME: The silence of Bonifacia as a means of fidelity

1. Song to begin and to acclimate
2. Reflection material by small groups
3. Sharing time
4. Joint prayer
5. Sharing time

Some things we shared

We live our vocation in Communities "Workshops of Nazareth".

The congregation was one Congregation with two communities for 25 years.

The Dream of the Founders is our dream too.

According to the gift received from our Founders, our Charism is to make present the way of life of Jesus who, with Mary and Joseph, prays and works in Nazareth, seeking our own sanctification and that of others, through prayer and work.

We enable the empowering of others through a way of praying and working that helps us to be contemplative in everyday life, we weave communion in diversity, we commit ourselves in solidarity with the problems, joys and hopes of the men and women of our time.

The silence of Bonifacia was a creative and assertive


What do I perceive that draws my attention about the way of Life of St.  Bonifacia and the beginnings of the Workshops of Nazareth?

Today, what concrete works and tasks are we engaging in that express how we live out our lives as consecrated working women who offer to the world a different way of living the evangelical values lived by Bonifacia and the first sisters?

How are we living the Communion project between FSJ and SSJ?

What invitation have we experienced with today’s reflection? 



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