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The Siervas de San Jose has been in Rosario, Cavite for more than 10 years. The sisters assigned there have been doing their best so that our dearest mother, Bonifacia, would be known and loved by the people in Rosario, Cavite, which is truly a place of poor workers. They also wished that the image of Bonifacia could be installed in their parish so that the people could always be reminded of her presence and eventually would come to know her and consider her as their saint because like them she is also a worker.

On October 21, 2018, their wish became a reality. The statue of Bonifacia was installed during the 5:30PM mass where a lot of parishioners were present. Just before the mass, a PowerPoint presentation about Bonifacia prepared by Sr. Maria was projected and read by her.

During the Entrance Procession, the Statue of Bonifacia was processed and the SSJ sisters from Luzon Cluster were behind her.

Sr. Edith read after the Greetings, the Introducton which emphasizes that Bonifacia is truly a servant and a missionary (associating it to the World Mission Sunday celebration) who had given her life for the poor working world especially for the poor women workers and for the poor young women in danger of going astray.

Fr. Phem shared a very meaningful Homily about being a missionary by doing something with better motivation and intention other than just for reward, award and recognition. He concluded his homily by pointing to the assembly the life of Bonifacia who became a saint through her sanctified work and life lived for others especially for the poor workers.

The installation proper was done after Prayer after Communion, during the incensing of her statue by Fr. Phem, the Parish Priest and Mass presider, while the SSJ sisters and the choir were singing the Tagalog song composed by Sr. Amor, SSJ- BONIFACIA. After incensing the statue, the Fr. Phem led the assembly in praying the SSJ composed prayer through the intercession of Bonifacia which included at the end the assembly’s silent prayer for particular intentions through her intercession. The priest ended it with- ST. BONIFACIA… and the assembly’s reply- PRAY FOR US.

After the Mass the people, mostly workers, lined up to venerate the relic of Bonifacia. This was facilitated by Sr. Jenny, SSJ. Fr. Phem was the first one who venerated the relic of Bonifacia.

Some of the parishioners went to the statue of Bonifacia and put themselves under her protection.

The sisters and novices distributed the stampita of Bonifacia before and after the Mass. The parishioners eagerly and gratefully received them.


  1. Congratulations to the sisters in Rosarioo, Cavite. May St. Bonifacia not only be known in that place but may the people really develop a great devotion to her. We need an intercessor in these challenging times. St. Bonifacia, pray for us. C-T Silay

  2. Comunidad san José - Salamanca16 de noviembre de 2018, 19:25

    Qué alegría la fiesta y reconocimiento de Bonifacia en Rosario, Cavite y qué bonito el cariño y devoción de la gente acercándose a su imagen y reliquia. Que ella nos conceda darla a conocer, porque su vida es luz y fuerza. Enhorabuena y un abrazo grande, Comunidad san José de Salamanca.


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