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A Meaningful Christmas at C-T Rosario (Rosario, Cavite, Philippines) 2018 December 25

Early in the morning of December 25 we welcomed many visitors from the poor families of Rosario Cavite. There were more than 200 parents and children who came to our humble home, with a hope of receiving something for Christmas. And as we relish the true meaning of Christmas, we felt privileged to be able to welcome them and to share with them the gift we have received.

Families coming by batches, registering their names outside  
as they wait for their turn
Sr. Edith gave them a short Catechism on the meaning of Christmas  integrating it with the challenge to be responsible stewards of our mother Earth as she explained the two videos Nativity and Basura Monster.    Participative discussion followed. The parents and children were very active as they begin to realize their role as good Christians in creating a better world.  They committed themselves to take care of our common home by segregating their “basura” especially by reducing, recycling and reusing the plastics.

After the short session with Sr. Edith, the visitors were led to the Chapel where they were given the moment to pray and relish once more the meaning of Jesus’ birth in the manger.  Sr. Maria introduced Jesus to them and led them to pray to Him.  There was a prayerful silence which brought them closer to the child Jesus- God who gave Himself/Herself as a gift for all humanity.  Afterwards each one kissed the image of the baby Jesus.  It was also a moment for them to know a little bit about our congregation and our Founders as Sr. Maria introduced to them St. Bonifacia and encouraged them to pray through her intercession.

A simple merienda of spaghetti was served for each one of them prepared lovingly by Sr. Raquel , James , Joshua , Ella and Patricia. 

 James, Joshua and I helped in distributing the simple gift we have prepared from the generous hearts of our benefactors and friends.

It was a meaningful Christmas for all of us as we gather together to unite ourselves with Christ and to experience Him in one another especially with our brothers and sisters in need. In this day of encounter we felt the joy that the world cannot give, a joy that comes from sharing ourselves so that others may find new hope.   Like the star that led the magi to Jesus, our very lives, too, hope to lead others to God who wills to be born within and among us.

And you, our dear benefactors, are like the beautiful lights of Christmas eve that illumine the paths of others with your kindness and generosity, giving hope and new life especially to the poor and the needy.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Filled with God’s Blessings, to all of You!  

Thank you very much!

Sr. Truong Thi Vuong, SSJ
    (1st Year Junior)


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