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Wilma and Yen

Dear sisters! 

 “Anda buscando Jesús, quien le ame, quien le siga, 
Jesus is looking for someone who love Him who will follow Him.” (St, Bonifacia). 

In response to this invitation, we renew our “YES” to follow Jesus as we continue our journey in the congregation of Sierva De San Jose. 

Our experience of living in a community in another province with different language and culture, deepen our experience of the Fidelity, Love and Joy of Jesus present in the sisters we live with and the people we encounter. We learn how to express us freely in the community and also with the people in the village. We grow in valuing the dignity of women and young women in our encounters with them. 

We thank you for accompanying us with your support, love, care and prayers. At this moment we would like to thank the congregation for allowing us to have more experiences in different realities of our mission. Especially we thank ZONA VIRGEN DE LUJAN – ARGENTINA, thank you for your hospitality and helping us during our exposure. We also thank our juniorate community for helping out in preparing for the mass celebration; we truly feel ourselves connected to one another. 

We ask the lord to give us the graces that we need as we continue our journey. We also ask you to continue accompanying us in this new stage of our journey. Thank you so much! Muchisima gracias! God bless us all!

Wilma and Yen    


  1. Las acompañamos con nuestro cariño y oración.Cdad Taller Los Toldos

  2. Queridas hermanas Wilma y YEN muchas felicidades por su SI generoso y por su fidelidad al Señor. Desde Bolivia compartimos este momento feliz.

  3. May the gift of fidelity to Nazareth continue to warm your hearts and allow your entire being to trust in the gift of harmonizing work and prayer,

    que el don de la fidelidad a Nazaret les llene el corazon de calor y amor que lleve su ser a confiar cada dia mas en el regalo de hermanar oracion y trabajo

    Thank you for your witnessing ... Gracias por su Testimonio de Fidelidad

  4. Que linda comnidad desde esta comunidad de León nuestras oraciones para que sea hermosa vuestra estadía y experiencia en Colombia


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