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a dream come true . . .

Ived saying goodbye to M. Filomena, the oldest sister in Holy Family Province
Past thirty seven years ago, Sr. Ived del Valle was asked to what country would she like to go for her mission. Her answer was “Africa and/or the Philippines in Asia – Pacific.”For her, arrival in the Philippines on August 14, 2019 to prepare herself to her mission assignment in Papua New Guinea, is truly a dream come true.
Ived on the day of her arrival in PNG
Ived with Sisters in PNG who welcomed her
The SSJ presence in Asia – Pacific began in 1932 in the Philippines and eventually became the Holy Family Province in 1981. In 1987, the SSJ started their presence in Papua New Guinea and in 2003 in South Vietnam. 

In the evening of November 19, 2019, she was scheduled to fly to PNG. The joy of having her dream become a reality was made manifest in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist held at the Sagrada Familia Chapel at 10:30 in the morning as an offering for her PNG mission.  

After the communion rite, Fr. Joseph, the Claretian priest presider, led  the whole assembly present in giving a special blessing to Sr. Ived. After the final blessing, Sr. Ived expressed her gratitude to God for making her dream come true and ended her sharing by singing “Earthen Vessels.” Sisters from the different communities in Luzon gave her their warm greetings.

Lunch followed and all the guests enjoyed the PNG and Filipino menu. During mealtime, the sisters who were previously assigned in PNG sang a Papuan song making the event more meaningful, joyful and exhilarating.

Ived wih Sisters in PNG: Lucy, Monica, Cecilia (newly professed ) and Concep


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