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Loved, Transformed and Sent to be all for all

Cecilia Kennedy, ssj with her paretns and Sir John Cardinal Ribat 

The journey of a village girl to a consecrated working woman...  This is how we experienced the First Profession of Cecilia Kennedy with whom we are truly grateful to witness the blossoming of this gift of vocation as Servant of St. Joseph.

Any journey in life leads us on a path with different aspects, rocky roads, calm or rough seas and most of all the opportunity to enter into a relationship with oneself, others, all of creation and with God. For Cecilia, her loving relationship began as a young girl in the village of Sawaedi (Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea) who was born into the family of Nathaniel and Paula. It is where she began her relationship with God as her parents nurtured her to grow in faith, trusting in God at all times especially during difficult moments.   As Cecilia grew into a young woman, she became involved in the youth ministry in her parish as one of their leaders and worked closely with Yolanda, SSJ who was then the Diocese of Alotau Youth Coordinator. It was at this time that she accepted the invitation to see more clearly God’s plan for her.

Cecilia captured this in her thanksgiving message: “This journey brought me to a greater recognition of my dependence on God to love him and to serve him each day and as an opportunity to be continuously shaped into His likeness, to be aware of His presence and to remain in His presence always.”

It is God’s love that accompanied her intimately, as she journeyed to know and accept herself as a gift from God and as the loving hand of God transformed her, the stirrings within became stronger with this utterance: Only God is enough!

On the 23rd day of November 2019, the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the Profession of Vows was presided by Sir John Cardinal Ribat with 5 Concelebrating Priests (Fr. Francis, C.P., Parish Priest, Fr. Emilio Soon, Fr. Mars Oabel, CM, Fr. Albert Lenon, SDB and Fr. Dominic Maka) at St. Joseph Parish, Boroko.

Cecilia being accompanied by her parents during the Entrance Procession
Before the Rite of the Profession, Cecilia handed over to her family the grass skirt, bagi (village necklace) and buai (betelnut) as a gesture of her moving on to a new state of life with gratitude to them. Her parents, accepting her decision brought her to Marcelina saying, “Sister Provincial, through you we now give our daughter Cecilia to God and to the Servants of Saint Joseph.We will continue to love and support her so that she may dedicate her life totally to God and the mission of the Servants of Saint Joseph.”

In the Melanesian culture, the exchange of gifts seal and strengthen relationships and agreements. With this exchange the family of Cecilia entrusts her totally to the congregation of the Siervas de San Jose.

On behalf of the Congregation, Marcelina presented the image of the Holy Family as a gift and thanked the family for giving Cecilia to consecrate her life to God as Sierva de San Jose, reminding them that “she will no longer belong to them but to God.  She will not be able to give money nor material things because as a religious we own nothing, but she will share with everyone our greatest treasure: Jesus Christ our Lord; and though she will be far from them,  she will always be near because she will always pray for them and their intentions.” She also assured the family that this exchange of gifts expresses our commitment to support Cecilia in her vocation journey.

Cecilia expressing her desire to Marcelina Sta. Cruz, SSJ (HFP Coordinator),
to be a Sierva de San Jose

Cecilia receiving the Insignia from Marcelina 

After pronouncing the Formula of Profession and receiving the signs of religious profession, Cecilia sang her Song of Joy: My Soul is Joyful with confidence.
Cecilia singing her Song of Joy
This was joyfully witnessed by her family who were all present; our collaborators in our different apostolic centers, hostel residents and vocation prospects who helped so much; those who support the Sisters in their mission; other Religious Congregations and co-parishioners.

All those present were moved by this beautiful and meaningful celebration of the first Papua New Guinean to profess her Vows as SSJ in her own country.

The reception at the Parish Hall that followed was festive and familial where there was a greater interaction with the family and all the guests.

Cecilia with Cardinal Ribat, parents and relatives

Cecilia with SSJ Sisters in PNG


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