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The whole STA family  (SSJ Sisters, Faculty and Staff and students) joined together and celebrated the World’s Ecology Day last November 15, 2019. It was a very opportune time for them to express and show their care for creation and to make others become aware of their urgent responsibility to do the same.

The highlights of the whole day celebration are the following:

·       The Echo walk participated by the students and teachers, carrying different banners in order to make the people aware of an urgent call to care for creation. As they went around the specified areas around STA, they picked up the trash along the road.

·       Talk on Climate Change

·       Ritual on the four elements: soil, water, air and fire performed by the students

·       Activity on Commitment to care for Mo. Earth. Each one painted her/his right hand and imprinted it on the spaces provided.

The day ended with everybody happy and satisfied, feeling very much at the heart of our dear mother- Mother Earth, our "Common Home."


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