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We, the TALLERES de NAZARET WORKERS here in CEBU had been graced by God with a whole day RECOLLECTION last December 16, 2019, facilitated by Sr. Fe Rabina, SSJ, C-T CEBU Coordinator (Sr. Ping)

During the first part of our recollection, we were brought to experience like children full of joy and laughter through the games Sr. Ping facilitated.

But behind our joys and laughter we need to sacrifice to move on from our failures and “falls” that we may reach our “dreams”.

We asked God to grant us patience and humility so that our hearts will be open to welcome Him. We expressed to Him in silence our past joys and pains which brought us away from Him.

Each one of us lighted a candle, a powerful symbol that Christ Himself is our light who continuously invites us to gaze at Him, to have fellowship with Him so that we will never get lost.

As co-workers in Talleres de Nazaret, we were given an opportunity to see/recognize/acknowledge and share the goodness of each one by affirming one another. It was good to feel and realize that we did good things which we did not notice.


So that our Joy will be complete, we offered to God all the burdens that we kept on carrying so that we could let go and let Him reign in our life.

Then in the reconciliation: we expressed our gratitude, we asked and gave forgiveness to one another especially those whom we’ve hurt and those who hurt us. 

Here, we felt the pain and relief from our wounded heart until we noticed tears flowing from our eyes, then we realized it was God’s healing and loving Presence that moved us.

We ended by thanking God for this great experience of His grace. We welcomed Jesus with gratitude and joy in our hearts.”

Written by:

Rosana Layasan (TDN-Cebu Coordinator)

A personal sharing from Ejean  Tenchavez:

“I am very happy that I was given a chance to join the whole day recollection facilitated by Sr. Ping. Through it I experienced CONVERSION…

At the start, as if it was nothing; I did not care about my life as if I reached beyond the “border line”.

The activity given to look back at our 2019 Experiences: our Joyful and Happy experiences; good decisions we made when we encountered difficulties and challenges; our sad, regretful, frustrating, disappointing, etc. experiences which until now hinder us to move-on…  had helped me see that- I ignored lots of baggage that I was carrying in my life, which in reality were the cause of my experience of emptiness, feeling weak and getting sick easily.

The truth is I experienced great trials and temptations in my married life.  My husband met an accident and was paralyzed when I was 3 mos. pregnant with my only child.  Then he was bedridden for about 6 years before he died.  I was so disappointed and angry especially to God.

The Process of the recollection had given me time to reflect and recognize that even if I got angry with God, He did not allow me to live alone because He sent  me persons to encourage me.  However, I did not appreciate them because I was so focus on my worries, disappointments and anger.

I am so grateful because I was able to express all my heavy feelings which I was carrying all along and which brought me to temptation and be away from God.

Now my life has a big change:  I am now happy with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind.

It is good to realize that when we are so worried and disappointed we need to STOP AND REFLECT… offer our life to God and let Him take over, and follow His Will.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Thank you very much, SSJs!”


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