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The Graduates Loreto Hostel (PNG)

The Graduates with their Trainer, Sr. Liza, SSJ
It was a joyful and colorful Easter Monday Celebration, on the 13th of April, for the residents of Loreto Hostel when thirteen (13) of them stood with confidence and great pride wearing their multi-coloured meri blouse they have sewn.

It was during the first 14 days of lockdown when most of our hostel residents, like other workers, were advised to stay back home to avoid the spread of COVID 19. While on self-quarantine after travelling from the Philippines, Sr. Yolanda Pugal, SSJ, the Sister-in-Charge, was watching how the ladies were spending their days of just being inside the hostel premises. The thought of coming up with something worthwhile and productive led her to ask Sr. Liza Celestial, SSJ, the ASAC Skills Training Center Coordinator-Trainer, from a distance, to hold training classes at the hostel.

It was training in sewing that the ladies wanted to have because they have been dreaming to make their own meri blouse. The Basic Course in Sewing Meri Blouse was completed after two full weeks, which fitted within the lockdown period.

Those who participated dedicated themselves to learning the basics of sewing, including measurements and drafting of their own pattern. They encouraged one another when they saw how their companions progressed in learning the skill and their project taking its shape. After finishing one meri blouse, there were those who sew more in order to master the skill with creativity and precision.

They organized a training for the residents on the Basic Course in Sewing Meri Blouse which most of them has been dreaming of sewing it for themselves.

In order to have a closure of the program and celebrate their learning, a simple graduation ceremony was held at the hostel among themselves. This was a moment to share their experiences and affirm themselves and each other. For some, it was their first time to run the machine and tried so hard just to learn.   Patience, love, prayer harmonized with work and persistence are the prevailing virtues that they had put into practice during the training.

A graduate leading the opening prayer

Sr. Liza, SSJ welcoming the graduates

The Graduates in full attention
The most interesting is that they were happy to wear the meri blouse they have done as young women of Papua New Guinea. They also remembered and appreciated those who are making meri blouses to earn for a living.

a Graduate sharing her learnings/experiences

a Graduate sharing her learnings/experiences

a Graduate sharing her learnings/experiences

Sr. Ived (also joined the sewing class)
sharing her learnings and experiences

Realizing that something good can come out from the lockdown period being out of work, they were grateful for this opportunity given to them to learn and be empowered by the Siervas de San Jose whose Founders, St. Bonifacia and Fr. Francisco Butinya, SJ, gave a special attention to the promotion and evangelization of young women and women workers.

Words of inspiration and encouragement
from Sr. Yoly, SSJ

In the same manner that the SSJ shared the Gift they received for the Church and for the socially and economically challenged working world, those who graduated are ready and confident to teach other hostel residents how to sew, not only meri blouse but also face masks as a part of our response to support the campaign to stop the spread of COVID 19.

Merienda (cooked by the sisters)
after the Graduation Rite
Sr. Cecilia, SSJ leading the dance entertainment

This is our message of hope that for those who trust in the Lord, love abounds. It is by loving and appreciating who we are that we discover, develop and share the God-given talents for the good of all.


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  MADRES JOSEFINAS CORUÑA Descargar comunicación “Nos vamos con mucha pena”. Después de casi 100 años de estancia en esta bella, alegre y acogedora ciudad de “A Coruña naturalmente”, las Siervas de San José tenemos que dejar este singular rincón de España. Llegamos en 1916 y nos vamos casi un siglo después. Por las aulas del Colegio pasaron miles de coruñeses, era uno de los Centros más populares de la Ciudad. En 1983, se cerró y desde entonces estuvimos en dos barrios; en este último (barrio de las Flores) desde 1994. Durante estos 20 años dirigimos el Centro Violetas (formación para el empleo) de Cáritas Interparroquial y colaboramos en la vida de la parroquia en todos los ámbitos (consejo parroquial, catequesis de niños, confirmación, formación de adultos , pastoral de la salud y cáritas parroquial. Agradecemos la colaboración de todas las personas que nos han ayudado y enseñado, ya sea en el ámbito humano, social, cultural o religioso. Decimos adiós a la