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COOKERY GRADUATION - ST. JOSEPH TRAINING CENTRE (SJTC) Iawakaka, Vuvu, Rabaul, East New Britain Province (New SSJ Foundation in Papua New Guinea)

The dream of the Archbishop Emeritus Francesco Panfilo, SDB, DD to let the Siervas de San Jose (Servants of St. Joseph - SSJ) come to the Archdiocese to start a Skills Training Centre for the empowerment of women and youth at risk and the dream of the SSJ Sisters to share the richness of their Charism through Skills Training became a reality when last May 30, 2021, the signage of St. Joseph Training Centre (SJTC) at the roadside of North Coast Highway Iawakaka, Vuvu, with a “Palnapedic “for the Siervas de San Jose, a sacred symbol of the people’s acceptance of the SSJ Sisters in the community in Iawakaka, was blessed at 3pm by the Parish Priest, Fr. Francis Paska.

SSJ Sisters Yoly, Genelyn, Elma & Concep with the people
Community-Taller Rabaul: Srs. Concep, Elma and Genelyn
Archbishop Josef Rochus Tatamai, MSC, DD, blessing the training center- ST. JOSEPH TRAINING CENTRE
Three days after the blessing, on June 3, 2021, the One Month Training Course on Basic Cookery started with 14 participants (12 ladies and 2 gentlemen) coming from the different zones (1-6) of the village. All these were God’s palpable confirmation that He has called the Siervas de San Jose Sisters to make God’s Presence visible through our Charism in a simple community at Iawakaka, Rabaul. During the 20 days training, the trainees were given the opportunity to know our founders, St. Bonifacia, SSJ and Fr. Francisco, SJ, as well as the Holy Family, our model with the special emphasis on the Person of St.Joseph, because of this year being dedicated to him. The values of Nazareth had been inculcated to them especially the valuing of the harmony of prayer and work while preparing their ingredients and doing their cooking/baking course. Every day was started with a prayer, reading of the Gospel of the day with reflection and was followed by an input by the sisters on different topics namely, our Charism and founders, Laudato Sí’, love and care for creation, etc. as part of their formation.

Sr. Elma, SSJ facilitating formation session
Sr. Genelyn, SSJ facilitating formation session

During the training, Sr. Concep, SSJ (the main trainor) was able to teach them around 50 recipes. They were very grateful and happy having discovered the many possible recipes they can cook using their garden products like- eggplant, young coconut, squash, and green papaya which they only give to their pigs, etc. They ate what they cooked and whatever was left was sold and the money received from the sale was used to buy other needed ingredients for their cooking.

Sr. Concep, SSJ, the main Cooking trainor
Sr. Concep supervising the cooking
Last July 2, at 10:00 am, we had the Eucharistic Celebration presided by our Parish priest, and he was very happy to see the graduants so happy and grateful. Part of the graduation activity was the awarding of a certificate for having completed the training course and it was awarded to them by the Parish priest assisted by Sr. Concep. Some students were given a special award like: Mo. Bonifacia Award (for being a silent worker during the training, keeping the Centre neat and orderly) Fr. Butinya Award was given to Fidelma for her generosity in bringing her garden products as cooking ingredients during the training and to Ivan for faithfully sharing what he has learned every day to his family and encouraging his family to love and appreciate manual work. We also had the St. Joseph award given to Stephanie for her generous service, being always available to do anything during the training. They were very happy with the surprised awards.
Fr. Francis blessing the graduation certificates
Rabaul's District Administrator congratulating the graduants one by one
Some invited guests from the Local Government (LLG) attended the graduation. The district administrator of Rabaul gave a message to the graduants and said in his message: “dream big but start small”.
After the graduation, we proceeded to the blessing of the outdoor kitchen. We felt blessed having an outdoor kitchen with high roof to avoid smoke suffocation which is not healthy for the lungs of the trainees and trainors. Our gratitude to Taller de Solidaridad and other benefactors who contributed for the construction of the outdoor kitchen. Then, we proceeded to the sewing room for the simple lunch prepared by the trainees. All those who attended the graduation were very happy and had tasted what the trainers prepared and cooked.
Fr. Francis blessing the food before meal
Cutting of the cake baked by the graduants
The graduation in Basic Cookery was another experience of Nazareth, a simple community celebration of life in the village in the spirit of sharing, joy and solidarity. Our Centre which was used before by drug pushers and out of school youth to stock truckloads of Marijuana (we learned this from the LLG who visited the place before graduation) to be sold to earn money, is now transformed into a school of life for women/men and youth at risk towards empowerment and community development.
With St. Joseph as our silent mentor and guide, we hope to continue being God’s presence in our own simple way, making Nazaret alive in the village of Iawakaka and hopefully to the whole Diocese of Rabaul.
Last Monday, July 5, three of our young graduants went to Soho Department Store to apply for work and thank God they were told to start working on that same day. Stephanie, one of our graduants has volunteered to assist us as one of the collaborators in our next cooking course. She has also enrolled in our Sewing course to empower herself with other possibilities. We can say that from doing nothing before in the village, they have now become more dignified workers and productive for themselves and for their families. 
St. Joseph Training Centre is just starting with limited facilities and funds but we dare to sail in the sea of life towards empowerment, community development and building God’s reign. Yes, “let us dream big but start small” with “Charity as the principal norm of our conduct”. So be it.


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