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FIRST BASIC SEWING COURSE GRADUATION ST. JOSEPH TRAINING CENTRE (SJTC) Iawakaka, Vuvu, Rabaul, East New Britain Province (New SIERVAS DE SAN JOSE Foundation in Papua New Guinea)

On July 12, 2021, we, the SSJ Sisters, started the First Basic Sewing Course at St. Joseph’s Training Centre which lasted for two months with 19 Participants (18 ladies and 1 gentleman). With the funds coming from Taller de Solidarid, one of our major sources of funding, we were able to buy sewing machines, accessories and materials needed for the training course. During the training, the trainees were very faithful in coming every day. What had been facilitative in the training was the availability of all the training materials (cloth needed and all the training accessories) so that the trainees will just come without worrying where to get money to buy their training materials. When we do pattern making, they have the draft paper available and when cutting their materials, they have the cloth available. Because of this, the sewing course students were able to finish all their projects before graduation.
Each training day started with Prayer Service and Gospel Reflection. During the entire course, the SSJ sisters took turns in giving the trainees Formation sessions which include the following topics- Personal Hygiene and Health Protocols for Covid 19 Protection, Charism of the SSJ and Vision-Mission of the Centre, SSJ Founders, Holy Family, Nazareth Values, Gender, Laudato Si’, 5 Rs, and Waste Segregation. They had also Eucharistic Celebration every Wednesday.
All their projects were usually taken home to serve as their reference when they are already on their own and if they want to apply for work in sewing factories or do their own business like sewing Meri blouses or any of the things they have learned during the training. The Basic Sewing Class culminated with a simple Graduation Rite during the Eucharistic Celebration to express our gratitude to God for all the blessings received during the training. Some of the trainees were given special awards like: St. Joseph Award (3 trainees) for their generosity in sharing their time and skills to trainees who were slow, Mo. Bonifacia Award for being a silent worker in keeping the training centre clean every afternoon, and Fr. Butinya Award (2) for joyfully and generously sharing their farm products to the centre and helping in the IGP project of the Centre.
During graduation, the representative of the Local Government who saw the projects of the graduates had expressed that they might ask the centre to sew their uniform and pay us for the labor. Some of them could come to the centre and help in sewing if the LLG would push through with their plan. It would be an opportunity for them to practice what they have learned. We also expressed our gratitude to the LLG representative for the 5 portable electric sewing machines the government donated to us. We had a simple lunch after the graduation ceremony. Everyone joyfully expressed their gratitude for the two months training experiences. We saw all these as God’s creative ways to foster development and empowerment towards self-reliance and productivity for the women (young and adult) and 1 gentleman. Truly, God’s presence is very palpable among the simple people in our village reminding us of Nazareth. May God be glorified forever.


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