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Kitchen of Love (Bếp yêu thương) in Time of Covid-19 Pandemic

In response to the call of the Catholic Bishops of Vietnam to serve the poor and the needy who are affected by the Covid-19 in the hospitals and in some districts and places of the country at this time of pandemic, many clergy from the different parishes, seminaries and religious congregations responded to the invitation. They trained and prepared themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually for the task. Through their words and simple actions they uplift the peoples’ spirit during this time of pandemic. Many Parish priests from the different parishes of Saigon, Vietnam tapped their parishioners to help prepare and distribute foods for the needy. Being confronted by that challenge Ms. Thu a leader in our parish organized this “Kitchen of Love” program where we, Siervas de San Jose who are assigned here in Vietnam, join in cooking foods for the homeless, covid-19 infected, doctors and our neighbors who have nothing to eat due to lockdown in the whole city. We, also, act as link persons tapping the people who are willing to share what they have and give those stuffs to the needy. We cook and share food for the homeless… We Share food to the sick children in the hospitals (with heart disease and cancer)
By: Anna Hoa Giang,SSJ


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