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“My grace is sufficient for you…” (2Cr 12,9) Hà Thị Thiet Committing Herself to God for the Rest of her Life

First of all, I would like to thank God for the gift of my life and vocation. He formed me in my mother’s womb and called me to be a Sierva de San Jose in order to follow Jesus the worker in Nazareth, harmonizing prayer and work. His unconditional love is very much palpable in my entire life despite my weaknesses and shortcomings. He unceasingly expresses His love through my sisters and formators in the Congregation who show their love and support as they welcome and accept me as I am. Their dedication in living the charism and the mission of the Congregation makes me feel closer to God and helps me to embrace and to love Him more intimately. This helped me, too, to be convinced to pursue my greatest desire to commit myself totally to God through my Perpetual Profession of Vows.
My perpetual profession of vows though publicly celebrated was done in a very unique way due to Covid lockdown here in Saigon, Vietnam. It was through zoom online platform which was held on the 8th of August 2021 – on the feast of Saint Dominic and our Foundress Saint Bonifacia. It was held in the community residence of Community-Taller Vietnam in the presence of two sisters and the priest who presided in the Eucharistic Celebration.
I felt so blessed because our SSJ sisters from the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and from some other parts of the world, Lay Josephines, my family, relatives and friends were able to attend the event since it was an online Mass. My parents, relatives and friends had been eagerly waiting to witness my perpetual profession and they joyfully shared their gratitude to God with me on that occasion. Like many other consecrated religious nuns and priests, I also dreamt of having a perpetual vows celebration in the presence of my parents, relatives, friends, and benefactors “face to face”. However, God has His own plan for me to be able to get in touch with the reality and fragility of humanity in the face of this Covid 19 crisis. He offers me as a gift of His love our brothers and sisters who are struggling and suffering during this pandemic.
Actually, there were so many painful experiences and challenges that happened during the preparation of this event such as: a very dear cousin of mine suddenly passed away some weeks before the event; a week after, my mother got seriously sick and was admitted to the hospital; the priest who was supposed to be the presider of the Mass got sick few days before the celebration, fortunately, I was able to find another priest who accepted it despite a short notice and preparation; and our different locations as members of the community because of the lockdown and the slow internet connection, were all factors of my worry which I felt too much to handle then. However, God is so good! He has done great things for me. Everything turned out smoothly and beautifully. Indeed, the celebration of the Mass was solemn and very meaningful.
Truly, I felt God’s greatness and love. He makes me a stronger and better religious who recognizes how it is to be a true servant of God and a faithful follower of Jesus, leaving everything behind and carrying the cross in order to follow Him. Indeed, I am really grateful for being called to be among the Siervas de San Jose family. I also thank God for my parents, siblings, nephews and nieces, relatives, friends and some special persons who have been accompanying me in this journey. I treasure all of them in my heart and I will always remember them in my daily prayer.
Yes, this is just the beginning of a long journey. I pray to God that “in spite of my limitations and imperfections, I may be his religious-follower who stands up after falling”; that I may be faithful and persevering until the end despite my failures in life. I also ask everyone to please pray for me so that I may always be a joyful and holy religious woman-worker Sierva de San Jose.
I always believe and I’m convinced that God will never abandon us, that His grace is sufficient for us; therefore, let us put our trust in Him at all times. May God bless us all.
Thank you very much! Muchas gracias! Cám ơn rất nhiề


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