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The Sustainable Organic Gardening Course facilitated by Sr. Genelyn Caminian, SSJ with the assistance and support of Sr. Elma Tuzon, SSJ and Sr. Conception Cañonero, SSJ, started on February 24, 2022 and ended on April 07, 2022. The training lasted for two months in two schools: 1) Volavolo Primary School with 50 students (29 Female, 21 Male and 2 advisers) 52 participants. 2) St. Leo’s Primary School (25 students with 17 Female, 8 Male and 1 adviser) 26 participants. The Training in the schools was made possible through the approval of the two (2) school Principals and the class advisers who actively supported and participated in the training. The Sustainable Organic Gardening Input and actual gardening process were integrated in the Agriculture Subject of the Grade 8 students (recipients of the training) every Wednesday. The students were also given different formation sessions on Ecology, Human Formation, Gender Equality, Siervas de San Jose Charism and most especially on some practical ways of making different Organic Fertilizers and Insecticides with their respective applications. The students were very eager to learn. In Volavolo they have their own garden in their school compound for their practical application on how to prepare the soil, to plant and to apply properly the different concoction of organic ferilizers and insecticide.
In St. Leo’s they had their actual gardening at St. Joseph Training Center garden, a 2 minute walk from the school.
The graduation rites of the 52 participants from Volavolo Primary School was held on April 7, 2022. However, the graduation activity of the 26 participants from St. Leo’s Primary School happened on April 22, 2022. It was delayed because due to school activities. During the culmination activities of the two schools, we had a simple but memorable graduation in the presence of the school community, all the students and the teachers and some of the parents. Before giving the certificates the Parish Priest and the school principal and one SSJ sister gave a short message of affirmation and encouragement to the students to continue practicing the skills they had acquired in Organic Gardening. The short period of time for learning something on organic gardening will be their treasure for a lifetime. Food is very basic in life and this is a basic need for a lifetime. Not all of them will pursue their studies but wherever they are, food will always be a necessity and wherever there is food, basic gardening will always be necessary. Students’ representatives from both schools had gratefully expressed to Sr. Genelyn and the Sisters their heartfelt joy and gratitude for the knowledge/ skills acquired during the training. They appreciated so much the practical aspect of the training which is very important in their lives. Now they know how to prepare their home backyard gardening and also how to prepare organic fertilizers and organic pesticides in order to have a healthy and productive garden. Likewise, they thanked Taller Solidaridad for its financial assistance which made possible also the completion of the training.
During graduation, the parents were asked if they would support their children in promoting kitchen garden. Enthusiastically, all the parents present gave their resounding “YES”… They expressed their willingness to commit themselves to support their children to apply what they have learned and also to promote the value of taking care of our common home, our Mother Earth. From the St. Joseph’ Training Centre (SJTC), MUCHAS GRACIAS, Taller de Solidaridad, for your continuous support and financial assistance to our Mission here in the Archdiocese of Rabaul. May God bless you always for being our co-partner in making our SSJ Charism visible among the simple and ordinary people, especially among women and young women at risk whom we believe are precious in the eyes of St. Bonifacia and Fr. Francisco Butinya, our beloved founders. Thank you once again! You can always count on our prayers for you and for all your generous benefactors supporting your projects. Sr. Erlinda Elma B. Tuzon, SSJ SJTC Coordinator


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